Thursday, October 9, 2008

Timelines change, Dreams do not

So you may notice I have left my Kona Counter up to the right.  Do I think I can get there in 2009?  I don't know.  I do know that I will get there, so I left it up.

Life happens.  People get sick, injured.  Work demands change.  The stock market slides into the abyss.  So often people will abandon their dreams in amid the chaos of daily life.  When your circumstances change, the dreams and goals you set for yourself can seem like a pinpoint of light in the center of a huge black box.  Whether it is to be a millionaire or an Ironman, setbacks and obstacles are what make the end result that much more prized.  If it were easy, everyone would do it.  How we respond to setbacks and obstacles is what defines and exposes our true character.  

Don't flush your goals just because your timeline has been changed.  Look at it this way: Goals are like a life partner, you need to nurture, support, forgive, and be committed to them, regardless of what life throws at you.  I'll get to kona. Maybe in 2009, maybe in 2029.  My time line is flexible, my goal is not.

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