Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 2 A Special Lesson

So week 2 in in the books!

My goal for this week was to complete 100% of my workouts. I failed. BUT I'M OK WITH THAT!  I had a Divisional Meeting for work which literally sucked the life out of me for 3 days.  I was without a car as our truck broke down in Montauk and stayed there all week.  It was a little challenging.  The workout I blew was saturday's bike.  I was in Montauk getting the car.  I felt a little twinge of guilt/envy when I saw a few brave polar bear rider braving the cold and riding the Montauk Hills, but i'm happy with my week workout wise.  Here it is:

Monday: 40 minute TT for LTHR
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: (was supposed to be a 5k for LTHR, but moved to Friday)
Thursday: 1:00 bike w/ 2X6' very hard
Friday: 5k TT for LTHR
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 50:00 run w/ 4x.5 mile very hard

My LTHR for the bike is 146 BPM (average for 40 min TT)
My LTHR for the run is 157 BPM (average for 5K)

For the bike I fluctuated quite a bit and peaked at 160 BPM
On the run I when I hit about 166 BPM I would need to slow to a walk.  I guess thats my limit right now.

My eating this week was another story entirely - EPIC FAIL.  I just wasn't willing to do the work here.  I admit it.  I could have brought my food to the meeting, avoided the wine during dinner, and cooked instead of going out in Montauk, but i didn't want to.  I lost a measly pound this week and it is probably more than i deserved.  Oh well, there is this week!

I have a poster that Carolynn drew for me at my first olympic triathlon (Chicago 2006) it is hanging up in my pain cave and I stare at it while I ride (cause Coach Troy is not my type;) ).  It has my finish time of 3 hours 46 minutes.  It took forever for me to finish that race.  FOREVER.  I have a goal of completing Quassy in 3 hours.  If I stick to the plan I know I can attain that.

I learned something else really important this week.  My value is not linked to my finish time, or races, or miles, or pace.  Regardless, I am a masterpiece.  If you are wondering, so are you.

Happy training!

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