Monday, January 25, 2010
Week 2 A Special Lesson
My goal for this week was to complete 100% of my workouts. I failed. BUT I'M OK WITH THAT! I had a Divisional Meeting for work which literally sucked the life out of me for 3 days. I was without a car as our truck broke down in Montauk and stayed there all week. It was a little challenging. The workout I blew was saturday's bike. I was in Montauk getting the car. I felt a little twinge of guilt/envy when I saw a few brave polar bear rider braving the cold and riding the Montauk Hills, but i'm happy with my week workout wise. Here it is:
Monday: 40 minute TT for LTHR
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: (was supposed to be a 5k for LTHR, but moved to Friday)
Thursday: 1:00 bike w/ 2X6' very hard
Friday: 5k TT for LTHR
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 50:00 run w/ 4x.5 mile very hard
My LTHR for the bike is 146 BPM (average for 40 min TT)
My LTHR for the run is 157 BPM (average for 5K)
For the bike I fluctuated quite a bit and peaked at 160 BPM
On the run I when I hit about 166 BPM I would need to slow to a walk. I guess thats my limit right now.
My eating this week was another story entirely - EPIC FAIL. I just wasn't willing to do the work here. I admit it. I could have brought my food to the meeting, avoided the wine during dinner, and cooked instead of going out in Montauk, but i didn't want to. I lost a measly pound this week and it is probably more than i deserved. Oh well, there is this week!
I have a poster that Carolynn drew for me at my first olympic triathlon (Chicago 2006) it is hanging up in my pain cave and I stare at it while I ride (cause Coach Troy is not my type;) ). It has my finish time of 3 hours 46 minutes. It took forever for me to finish that race. FOREVER. I have a goal of completing Quassy in 3 hours. If I stick to the plan I know I can attain that.
I learned something else really important this week. My value is not linked to my finish time, or races, or miles, or pace. Regardless, I am a masterpiece. If you are wondering, so are you.
Happy training!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Week 1A Prepare
Week 1A – Prepare
There is (were) 21 weeks to my first A race, the Olympic Rev3Tri in Quassy, so last week was a preparation week of sorts. I have been out of the regular training discipline for so long I couldn’t see the benefit to jumping into a full blown training week. I used last week to get reacquainted with my bike and the dreadmill.
Monday – 1 hour trainer ride with some harder efforts thrown in
Tuesday – core work
Wednesday – 40 minutes of circuit aerobics and strength moves
Thursday – 5k treadmill steady state
Friday – 1 hour trainer ride with 2 x 6’ very hard efforts 2’ recovery
Saturday – off
Sunday – off
I missed a run workout on Sunday, but no worries or complaints as I start my official week 1 today.
I was also very proud of my eating habits this past week. I’ve shed 4 pounds already with a minimal amount of exercise time, so if I can keep my eating in check, I should see a more progressive weight loss over the next few weeks. I’m holding my caloric intake to around 1650 Kcal/day with a heavy emphasis on veggies and variety. My goal is to race Quassy under 130 pounds. (I haven’t been 130 pounds since the sixth grade.) I’ll also freely admit that while general health and race performance are pieces of my weight loss motivation, I really just want to look good in a pair of size 4 jeans. If that makes me shallow, so be it.
I cooked almost every night last week and it made all of the difference in the world. For the first time in a long time – we planned our weekly menu an shopped for everything we needed. Dinner included: grilled chicken quesadillas, Fish Bruchetta, and a most awesome scallop dish that you can read about here. The best surprise food of the week was Cauliflower CousCous. Click on it and make it (i used shallots not onions and less oil). You won’t regret it.
The week ahead is a baseline testing week starting with a 40 minute TT on the bike tonight and an all out 5k on Wednesday. Both will be used to estimate my LTHR for the next 4 weeks of training. My goal this week is to complete 100% of the workouts this week and eat cleanly despite having a three day long divisional meeting at work. I feel like if I can get through this week with my motivation intact, I am good to go.
Forward motion!
Monday, January 11, 2010
In the beginning there was a goal….
As I sit and type this I am acutely aware I am really good at beginning. I have started more projects, assignments, goals, and programs than I can count. I have planned and started many websites, new blogs, and even full blown companies, enough to fill at least a small notebook. Finishing, however, is another story entirely. I finish important things, but a lot of my life is a hodge-podge of loose ends, half built framework, and ultimately, unrealized potential. It irks me. Especially when thinking about all that I have left undone leads me adrift in a sea of daydreaming about what could have been. It’s a hard pattern to break. I usually break it only with a new goal, a fresh start, and yet again another chance to finish what I start.
When I started this blog (which I was very good at), I set forth a goal of finding out what I am really capable of (i.e. finishing what I was starting). I wanted to dream really big and see how far I could reach. The really big dream part (the starting) was easy, the reaching, well not so much. That year I did complete my first half iron tri, which I shouldn’t underestimate, but I did not achieve the consistency of training that would have helped me to achieve a more robust result. In my mind, I have left this goal undone. It’s been dangling over my head for a year and after a good clear conversation with Carolynn, I am ready to re-tackle it. I’m ready to begin again. I want to know what I am really capable of.
The Goal Redefined: To complete an Olympic and Half Iron triathlon, confident I have executed a training program to the best of my ability.
After speaking with Carolynn, I realized I had never trained for an Olympic tri before, much the same way I never trained for a 5k either. I began triathlon with my sights set on ironman and my running career began with an entry into the NYC marathon. I don’t know what it feels like to go fast or to even train for speed. This goal will allow me to back up and experience both of those (hopefully). It will also not occupy 15 hours a week and right now that is a very good thing that will increase my chances of success.
So here they are Rev3Tri Quassy Olympic Rev June 6th and Montauk Mightyman Half Ironman October 2nd. I hope you stay with me for the next 37 weeks. I’ll need the motivation. I’ll post weekly updates and let you know where I’m at and I think (know) that there will be at least one big surprise announcement somewhere along the way.
Week one starts now.
Now, where are my bike shoes?